Sunday, November 25, 2012

Pi in 3D

"Very pretty," is what I took from the film version of Life of Pi. I was impressed with the quality of the 3D effects, and I was please with the tasteful handling of some of the more graphic incidences. Unfortunately, the film on it's own doesn't leave a lasting impression that one would get from reading the novel, which is a pity.

My sister joined me to see this movie; she had not read the novel, so lucky for her, she could experience the drama with virgin eyes. After viewing the film, I doubt she'd want to tackle the book format. "It's LONG" was her main comment. There was also a sigh, and she said she didn't understand where the movie was going about half-way through. Then we both trail off and start making comments and questions with reference to Richard Parker. "Where are you Richard Parker?" and "Where do you want to go now, Richard Parker?" and "RICHARD PARKER!"

Though the movie does follow the novel quiet closely, (of course cutting out some of the less colorful moments at sea,) the film is missing that existential experience. As it stands, Life of Pi is far from a short film, and I walked away feeling exhausted and barely amused. The 3D experience was nice in the beginning of the movie, but the 3D-ness is only obvious in a couple points throughout the remaining film. That seems to be the gimmicky trend in all of Hollywood, and would someone please make it stop? The film is well done, imagery-wise, but it somehow misses that feeling of enlightenment which makes the experience of this particular story necessary. 3/5 Stars.

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