Sunday, November 4, 2012


The only real qualm I have about Bossypants, is that I want MORE. Tina Fey's autobiography is quite short, but not lacking!

As a young female, I identify with Tina's life story, though I don't think my personal life story would be quite as witty or interesting. The other difference being that I too (a nobody) am slowly, but surely trying to write a memoir, it is 100% about my scar. Fey may never divulge in her scar story, and why should she? That's not what her life is about. Bossypants is about Fey's (hilarious) climb to her celebrity status. It's about taking charge. It's also about being a new feminist: elegant with a spit of humor and attitude.

What's in her bio is awesome! I also listened to the audio-format for this book and I think more people should hear the way Tina says the word "awesome". That too is AWESOME. What holds me back from absolutely loving Bossypants is the need for more content. I walk away from this book thinking I want to hear more about Tina Fey. 4/5 Stars.

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