Thursday, April 12, 2012

We SAW, We READ...


Point-blank, I probably would have rated The Hunger Games a bit lower had I not seen the movie first. I know: SHOCKER! I knew from the start I wouldn't be able to approach the book with FRESH eyes and an unbiased opinion because my visual to textual sensors had been compromised. It was actually the film which inspired the read in the first place, otherwise I doubt I would have ever picked it up. From that note, I rated the first book of the series a 4/5 due to emotional impact, quality of writing, the "gripping-ness" of the plot (sorry - short for words this evening.)

My emotional/feminine reaction to the ending of the book verses the movie was dramatically different. I have a different lean towards certain characters in the book. I also a better understanding of Katniss, with-whom I am quite sure I would have hated if it weren't for seeing the film first. She has a poor outlook on life in general, which I can't blame her for, but still negativity is a downer for me. Her attitude towards her mother reminds me very much of **whispers** one Bella Swan, from another un-mentionable series. These teen writers seem to have some bitter relationships with their mothers or something... yikes!

I like the plot and pace of the story very much. With the exception of that final killing, the author did a nice job of keeping the graphicness to a minimum, which I appreciate. I do have "Gore & Tension Rules" which I understand is kind of odd coming from someone with a morbid sense of humor. The Hunger Games was actually quite sensible and "clean" or rather "lacking in overly-embellished yuckies", which is surprising considering the books about teenagers killing one another. So "kudos" Suzanne Collins. I can hardly wait to start in on Catching Fire.

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