Sunday, April 1, 2012

Mirror Mirror (film)

I'm glad Mirror Mirror (the film) wasn't a take-off on the Gregory Maguire novel. That was a disappointing, dull and slightly painful read. The FILM however, is very cute! CUTE and FUNNY, but not much more. I was a little nervous pre-viewing the film just because I was so distracted by Lily Collins' eyebrows. I know it is an odd thing to hone in on, but my mother and sister made the same comments, so I'm sure I wasn't the only gal out there thinking the same thing! Bet it would have done better in the box office if they considered trimming Snow White's brow a little thinner....

Though I was amused, I didn't feel thoroughly amused. Set up for a strong adorable family film, I would recommend this to families viewing with their young "princesses". Giving this film 3/5 stars because it's sweet, but once seen, I don't foresee myself desiring to re-see it again. I thought I would, but don't think this will be under consideration for one of those "guilty pleasure" movies.

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