Thursday, July 5, 2012

My darkest moment

I known the novel form of The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo, but I've been tentative about reading it. From what I've heard it didn't translate well and can be quite confusing. Still kind of tempted... I mean it is floating around my bedroom somewhere. Considering how graphic the film was, (and this is the American version,) past experience with book-to-film pieces tells me the novel would be harder for me to digest.

I couldn't classify this as a horror, but it's very dark. You're dealing with a mystery which has rape and graphic murders smashed all together, so it's not the most desirable film for viewing. The length feels exaggerated by the complexity of the mystery. When it all comes close to the end, I didn't really want it to end, but at the same time I thought: "Whoa! Long movie!" And then I settled into bed and had a very difficult time sleeping that night.

Rating this movie for me is tough. I wouldn't want to watch it again, but I'm kinda hooked so I'd like to continue on with the series and see where this goes. The movie is worth a watch and it was very well executed, so I feel that I can't punish it for it's scary moments: 4/5 stars.

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